Her Cowboy Groom (Blue Falls, Texas Book 5) Page 15
An old guilt twisted Owen’s gut as he took several steps away from Linnea, giving life to an irrational fear that he was a danger to this woman who was coming to mean too much to him.
He jumped when Linnea touched his upper arm.
“What’s wrong?”
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He managed to stop a sharp reply before it escaped. She didn’t deserve that when she hadn’t done anything wrong. As he looked down into her kind eyes, he suddenly wanted to confess everything, to finally expose the wound that had been festering for almost as long as he could remember.
“It’s stupid.”
“Not if it’s bothering you like it obviously is.”
He shifted his gaze away, staring out toward part of his family’s cattle herd in the distance. Linnea slipped her hands into his.
“You’ve already seen me at my worst,” she said.
He took a deep breath. “I’ve never admitted this to anyone, but getting close to people scares me.”
“Because of Katy.”
He shook his head, wondering if he could really give his deepest, darkest secret a voice. “My mom.”
Linnea’s forehead creased. “I don’t understand. She was killed by a hit-and-run driver.”
The pain he’d felt when his dad had told him the news felt as raw as it had that night, and he swallowed hard. “But do you know why she was out that night?”
Linnea shook her head.
“I was sick, coughing a lot, and Mom went to town to get some cough syrup for me. She was on her way back when she was hit.”
Linnea’s hands tightened on his. “Oh, Owen. I’m so sorry, but it wasn’t your fault.”
“My brain knows that.”
“But your heart feels differently.”
He nodded once. “When things fell apart with Katy, it felt like I was being punished again for caring for someone. Consciously or unconsciously, it’s why I’ve never gotten close to anyone else. I know that sounds crazy.”
“Our minds play cruel tricks on us,” she said. “When Danielle came into my store and told me about Michael, I thought it was a horrible lie. And when I realized it wasn’t, I felt as if I must be the most stupid person in the world for not seeing the truth.”
He lifted his hand from her grasp and caressed her cheek. “You are anything but stupid.”
“I know that now. I mean, there are times when I still question how I couldn’t have seen it, but others when I realize that bad things just happen through no fault of our own. It sucks, but that’s life.”
She hadn’t said anything he didn’t know already, but something about hearing someone else say it, someone who wasn’t invested in his feelings of guilt, lifted a weight inside him. Unable to articulate everything that was coming to the surface inside him, he instead pulled Linnea close and kissed her deeply, their lips and tongues not able to get enough of each other.
But despite how great she felt in his arms, he couldn’t dispel the feeling of dread that had formed a knot in his stomach.
* * *
LINNEA DIDN’T THINK she’d ever felt better in her life as she and Owen stared out across the simple beauty of the ranch. He sat with his back against the live oak tree while she was snuggled between his legs with his arms wrapped around her.
“This is so peaceful,” she said.
“You really don’t miss the hustle and bustle of Dallas?”
She thought about it for a moment. “Honestly, no. I’ve never thought of myself as a country girl, but being here has been just what I needed.”
But she’d already been at the Brodys’ ranch much longer than she’d planned and couldn’t put off returning to her responsibilities much longer. Or could she? She thought again of the space available in downtown Blue Falls, but she didn’t mention it to Owen. Though he’d shared a lot with her, she still didn’t know if they could have any sort of future together. While the thought of not having him close caused her heart to hurt, she had to take a mental step back and think about what she needed, separate from any possible romantic relationships. She needed to make decisions that would make her happy, give her a future that would bring her joy in her work.
“I hate to spoil the moment, but I need to get back to the barn,” Owen said. “I’ve got a potential buyer for one of the horses coming by later.”
She turned in his arms to look up at him. “Really? That’s awesome.”
He smiled as though her words were worth more than all the money in Texas.
Before he helped her mount the horse again, he pulled her close and kissed her.
“That never gets old,” she said when he ended the kiss.
“No, it doesn’t.”
Linnea couldn’t stop smiling as they rode back to the main part of the ranch, then took care of the horses. As they started to leave the barn, Owen grabbed her and pushed her up against the inside wall. His lips came down to claim hers. No matter how many times he kissed her, it never failed to send a thrill racing along her veins.
The sound of an approaching vehicle found its way past thoughts of making love to Owen again, causing her to break the kiss and push gently against his chest. Only then did he seem to hear it, too. When he glanced around the edge of the doorway, he frowned in confusion.
“What is it?” If it was Michael again, she was going to walk out of this barn with a pitchfork to get her point across.
“It’s Simon.” Owen stepped away from her and headed out to greet the sheriff.
As she followed Owen, Simon looked between the both of them. She wondered if what Owen had said after her party was true, that perhaps they weren’t hiding their relationship nearly as well as they thought they were.
“Hey, Simon,” Owen said. “What brings you out here?”
Simon shifted from one booted foot to the other, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Oh, God, had something happened to one of the Brodys?
“There are some days when I hate my job,” Simon said, almost as if an internal thought had unwittingly tumbled from his mouth. “Michael Benson filed assault charges against you, and since you punched him with dozens of witnesses I don’t have any choice.”
“About what?” Owen asked.
Dread settled in Linnea’s middle.
“I’m here to arrest you.”
Owen snorted a laugh, but when Simon didn’t join in, Owen stopped abruptly. “You’re serious.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“That bastard.”
“We’ll get things sorted out, but I have to go through the motions for now.”
“What, you going to handcuff me?”
“You planning on making a run for it?”
Linnea stepped in between the two men and held up a hand. “Wait. How can he do this? He’s the one who was harassing me.”
Simon looked at her with sympathy and understanding, and she realized she was looking at a man who was trapped by sworn duty.
“Because he didn’t hit you or threaten you. And there’s no restraining order against him.”
This time, she cursed. Even after everything Michael had done, she’d never imagined he’d stoop this low to get back at her. How could he not see he was the one at fault?
Linnea turned toward Owen. “Don’t worry. I’ll fix this.”
Owen reached out and cupped her face, seeming not to care that Simon saw the affectionate gesture. “I don’t want you going anywhere near Michael.”
She was saved from having to make that promise by his dad and Garrett returning from town with a load of feed.
“This is nonsense,” his dad said after Owen explained what was going on.
The look on Wayne’s face broke Linnea’s heart. “I’m so sorry about this.”
“That is also nonsense,” he said as he wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders as they watched Simon escort Owen to the patrol car.
She wanted to scream as the door closed and he looked out at her
with a smile she knew was meant to make her feel better. But she wasn’t going to feel better until she made this right, until she ensured that Michael Benson was out of her life and the lives of everyone she cared about for good.
When Garrett said he was going into the house to contact an attorney and then to the bank to arrange for bail, she grabbed his arm to stop him. “No, I’ll do that because none of this would have happened if I hadn’t come here and imposed on your hospitality.” She glanced toward the barn, then back at Garrett. “But there is something you can do. A potential buyer is coming by later to look at Galahad. Make sure that sale goes through. Talk that horse up like your life depends on it.”
“Shouldn’t we just reschedule?”
“No. This is important to Owen, and I believe it’s the beginning of a successful business for him.”
“You think he’s going to stick with it?”
“Your brother isn’t as uncommitted as you think. It just took him longer to find what he wanted out of life.”
“So it seems.” Owen’s dad looked at her as though he knew how close she and Owen had become.
Her heart rate accelerated as she considered that maybe Owen was falling as much as she was. She’d told him from the beginning that she didn’t expect commitment from him, but then she’d only thought they’d spend the one night together. With each moment since then that they’d spent anywhere near each other, she’d fallen for him even more.
By the time she met with an attorney to represent Owen, her head was filled with plans to rid themselves of Michael once and for all. Unfortunately, it meant that she had to leave Owen in jail a little longer than she planned, because if he got even a hint of what she intended to do, he’d try to stop her. And while she might not really be the cause of the current situation, it wouldn’t have come to his door if she hadn’t. If she wanted to see if she and Owen had a real chance, she had to do this.
By the time she outlined all of her plans to Chloe, her friend looked stunned. “You thought of all this since Simon came to get Owen?”
“I guess I work well under pressure.”
“And you’re sure about all this?”
When Linnea stood and headed for the door, Chloe came around her desk and pulled her into her arms.
“Be careful, okay? Don’t take any unnecessary chances.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not underestimating Michael anymore.”
She headed to the ranch, hoping that Garrett and his dad didn’t question her about why she was leaving. When she arrived, Mr. Brody was in the kitchen cooking steaks and potatoes. He looked up at her entrance, but his eyes dimmed when he looked beyond her.
“They didn’t let Owen out?”
“That’s next on the list. I just came by to get my things first.”
He turned toward her. “You’re leaving?”
“Yes, I have to take care of some things in Dallas.”
“Yes. I’ve left Katrina with the full load at work for too long.”
He looked as though he wanted to say more, and she would swear she could see him change what he was going to say midstream. “Are you coming back?”
“I won’t be a stranger.” Part of her wanted to tell him her plans, but she had to keep it quiet until she knew for sure they would work out the way she hoped.
He walked around the table and pulled her into his arms much as his daughter had done. She blinked against tears as she realized that Owen wasn’t the only Brody she’d come to care for even more since her arrival.
“You’ve got a place here anytime, you hear?”
“Thank you.”
As she hurried from the house, she met Garrett coming up the front steps. Beyond him, she saw a truck with a horse trailer leaving. She smiled as she saw Galahad’s dark tail swish in the back.
“They took the horse?”
Garrett held up several hundred-dollar bills. “Owen’s first sale. I guess he’s officially in business.”
She met Garrett’s eyes, which were a lot like his younger brother’s. “Thank you.”
“I think I should be the one thanking you.”
“Because you made me see beyond the surface with my brother. I’ll do whatever I can to make sure he’s a success at this.”
Her heart expanded as she lifted to her toes and kissed him on the cheek.
When she stepped back, he held her gaze. “You love him, don’t you?”
There was no use denying it when it was probably written all over her face. “Yes, I do. But I haven’t told him that yet.”
He glanced down at her bag. “Do you intend to?”
“I hope to, if he feels the same way.”
“He does.”
Her heart leaped. “Did he say that?”
“No. But I’ve got eyes, and I’ve never seen my brother act this way about a woman.”
“Act how?”
He smiled. “Like he’s annoyed that he has to waste hours sleeping.”
Garrett’s words repeated in her head as she drove to the sheriff’s department. When she got there, she sat in the parking lot for a few minutes, making a couple of calls and trying to get her burgeoning excitement under control. A lot of puzzle pieces still had to fit perfectly for her plan to work, but she couldn’t prevent the hope swelling inside her.
When she finally walked inside, she asked to speak to Simon privately. He escorted her into his office and closed the door. She handed over the necessary money to post Owen’s bail. Then she extended a sealed envelope.
“What’s this?”
“Something that I hope you’ll be able to shred without reading if the next couple of days go as planned. So don’t open it unless you hear from Chloe to do so.”
“Okay, that sounds mysterious. I’m not sure I like it.”
“Don’t worry. Just some insurance on my part.”
Simon stared at her for several seconds, but she didn’t cave and tell him what was in the envelope.
“I’ll go let Owen out,” he said.
“Could you wait a few minutes, please?”
Simon settled back in his seat. “Linnea, you’re not going to do something stupid like go back to Michael, are you?”
“Heavens no.”
“Good.” Then he gave her a shrewd look. “But you do have something up your sleeve, and I wouldn’t like it if you told me what it was, would I?”
“I can’t begin to imagine being able to read your mind, Sheriff.”
“Uh-huh.” He shook his head. “Just don’t do anything to put yourself in danger. And if you need my help in any way, don’t hesitate to call me.”
“If you can give me thirty minutes before you release Owen, that will be enough. Thank you.”
He still didn’t look as if he liked her unspoken plan, but he couldn’t stop her.
She forced herself not to look toward the doorway that led back to the holding cells as she left the sheriff’s office. As she drove out of Blue Falls, the hope that had been vibrating inside her acquired a roommate named Anxiety. She did her best to bolster the former and dispel the latter as she pointed her car toward Dallas.
Chapter Thirteen
Owen paced the cell, unable to sit still. As much as he’d rabble-roused throughout the years, he’d managed to never end up behind bars. Then he tried to protect a woman from unwanted advances, and that’s what landed him in jail. And being locked up wasn’t the worst part. It was thinking about not being out where he could protect the woman he loved.
He stopped pacing as the weight of that realization hit him square in the chest. During all their time together, he’d told himself it was just two consenting adults having fun. But it was more than that, and probably had been since they spent their first night together.
He ran his hand over his face. Despite his determination to do otherwise, he’d allowed her into his heart. He cursed when he thought about what that meant. Despite her time awa
y from it, her life was in Dallas. She had a business, a home, family. And he was on the cusp of really making a go of his business.
“Damn it.”
He’d had an appointment this afternoon with a potential buyer for Galahad. If he was a no-show, word would get around that he was as undependable as most people thought. Most people, but not Linnea. She’d believed in his vision from the moment he told her about it. Maybe that had actually been when he started falling head over heels for her.
He walked to the front of the cell and leaned his forehead against the cold bars, resisting the urge to bang his head for being such an idiot. He and Linnea got along great. Goodness knew the sex was out of this world. But even if his business did start to build, he couldn’t give her the life she was used to. She was a city girl used to nice things.
Only she hadn’t seemed to mind spending time at the ranch, time with him. What would she say if he told her he loved her? He thought maybe she felt the same, but he couldn’t be sure without laying his cards on the table. Did he really want to take that risk? He sighed, trying to decide if he was ready to open himself up to potential pain again.
Yes. The word bubbled up from somewhere deep in his mind, echoing louder and louder until it nearly drowned out the sound of Simon walking into the room with a ring of keys.
“You’ve been sprung, my friend.”
Owen’s heartbeat thudded a little harder as he thought that Linnea probably stood on the other side of the doorway Simon had just walked through. No matter what happened, he knew he had to tell her the truth about how he felt. Damn, he’d been less afraid to climb onto cantankerous horses and even a couple of bulls during his brief stint on the rodeo circuit. But there were much better rewards to be had if she felt the same way.
But when he walked out into the main room of the sheriff’s office, it wasn’t Linnea waiting for him but rather his sister. “Where’s Linnea?”
“She had to take care of some business stuff.”